Welcome to Irvine!
Reply to nicholas
Hi there
Reply to CH
I notice the same thing about how switching language changing my personality too!
Reply to ShawnWang
Def consider joining a masters swim team near you. It's unintentionally/unexpectedly become my 'third space'. Totally would be down for coffee but you just moved! :[
Reply to CaturraCoating1
Any nearby trails your recommend for someone getting back into mountain biking? I'm really looking forward to just getting outdoors more...I need the sunshine and these winter months are hard on me, especially since I started working from home.
Reply to TheMoose1234
@TheMoose1234, I actually have the same question! I enjoyed Almaden Quicksilver when I was in the Bay Area back then :/
Reply to CH
@CH I used to live in the Bay Area as well! I went running a few times at Quicksilver but never went biking there. If you want to go out for an easy Mt. Bike just let me know :)
Reply to TheMoose1234
@CH a local bike shop gave me this web address for finding Mt. Biking trails: Hope it's helpful for you!
Reply to TheMoose1234
would be great to cross paths!
Reply to banban0215
@TheMoose1234, yes, that's what I've been using! I was planning to go biking this weekend, but seems like we will get rain this weekend. Saaaddddd

@banban0215 Likewise, let's reconnect!
Reply to CH
Hi CH! Do new profiles show up on top?
Reply to plumeriapassion
Hi CH! Yes, I read the article about how you started ATC a few days ago on sfgate and signed up on that same night! During the dotcom years, I lived in the Silicon Valley. A couple young programers created a site similar to yours. I was very active on it and met many people in the area and made many friends. It was so much fun. That site is long gone now but I still keep in touch with a few friends I met through there.
Reply to PurpleEggplant
@plumeriapassion Yes, profile cards on top are mostly new members or latest active users.
Reply to CH
@PurpleEggplant Welcome to ATC ☕️
Reply to CH
It's amazing to think the impact we have on others. I read in a book that we should always speak our truth because we never know who may be listening and maybe hearing someone say out loud what we've been thinking for ages is comforting. Someone who felt like they were all alone in their feelings is actually not alone. It's interesting to think about the impact of a stranger's comment can have on us and change our perspective
Reply to Scissorhands
You're the myth, the legend
Reply to Kat
Would be down for tennis. Not a beginner but not the most advance either
Reply to ReptilesAreCool
@CH Your shooting star pic is awesome. What camera/lens do you use?
Reply to bravetoaster
@bravetoaster Nothing fancy really, iPhone 14 Pro
Reply to CH
Hi CH thank you for your post on Eva Illouz - I had never heard of her before but now I'm intrigued - have you read any books by her? As a result of your post I just got 'The End of Love - A Sociology of Negative Relations' - it's a fantastically insightful book!
Reply to ChicagoMaroon
Lived in San Francisco recently, just moved back down to OC, sent you a request (:
Reply to ikigai
Thanks for starting ATC! I’ve been quietly lurking since I stumbled upon the Reddit post about a year ago and I finally took the leap! Hoping to create meaningful friendships from this :)
Reply to LostInBoba
Adding this book to my reading list! Thanks for building an awesome community. I think the more we connect with people, the more we find out now similar we all are, in one way or another. It's a beautiful thing that we forget sometimes.
Reply to Q
Hi CH! Did you move to SF?
Reply to plumeriapassion
@plumeriapassion Still jumping in between! I'll be in the Bay Area between April and May.
Reply to CH