
Hi! I'm kind of in a similar spot in regards to the monotonous nature of tech lol. I game and watch movies too and was wondering, what fun games and good movies do you recommend? Also I think it's awesome you're getting into DJ'ing, I'm curious how you like it. Would love to grab coffee or boba if you're up for it. Send you a coffee request.


I've mainly stuck to League/Valorant but my friends and I just finished Chained Together which is pretty fun! Likewise, send you a message too!


Hey bloom! I relate to a lot of what you wrote… also feeling stuck in a monotonous job, but one that I really do enjoy. By the way, I also play league and val! Would be happy to get some games in some time :)


Hey Melo, down to get some games going! Send you a coffee rec to exchange users :)


Sent a coffee request! We had a 10 day chat expired