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Where two strangers meet over coffee

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Bolinas is part of our San Francisco Bay Area service area, where we help bring local communities together.


She / Her

Oakland, CA

deuxcroissants's photo
Where are you at in your life stage?
Mid-30s, pretty settled in my career, and have a fantastic community of friends and family in and outside of the Bay. I'm single, searching for a long-term partner, and am looking to expand my circle/community (in all ways!).
How's your life?
Zooming out, it's pretty good! Sometimes I feel like a kid still, just with more money and responsibilities. I never thought I'd laugh this much as an adult!
I'm quite happy with my day to day life, but when I'm 80 and reflecting on my life, I want to feel fulfilled and content and like I squeezed a lot of love, meaning, gratitude, purpose, and memories into it. So I'm always looking for ways to add more of those things!
What helps you keep your sanity?
Being outside, hiking, cycling, beach volleyball; croissants, berries, pizza, sushi, dark roast coffee; tall mountains + glacial lakes; traveling; finding great bakeries in small little towns; a heavy dose of laughing with friends and family balanced with a few minutes of introvert time per day
What is most important to you right now?
Spending meaningful time with family and friends while developing new connections and relationships, including finding a long-term partner.
Seeing the outdoors and exploring new places.
Understanding myself and understanding others. Continuous self-reflection and growth.
Anything you recently found interesting?
I still can't wrap my head around how large the number 52! is (the number of unique ways you can shuffle a deck of cards)
Sent a request :)
Reply to StreetSymphony1
Sent a request. Would love to check out any good bakery - found a few in Berkeley recently :)
Reply to Hygge


He / Him

San Francisco, CA

MinorMapillai's photo

Sea Cliff Av makes my jaw drop

Where are you at in your life stage?
I'm at my quarter-life-, what-do-i-want-for-a-midlife crisis stage. I'm in my mid-twenties, moved to San Francisco a little bit more than a year ago (have loved every minute of it). I'm also early in my career doing something I am passionate about but work, for me, has been a way to do the things that make me earn life experiences; I predominantly get this by doing a lot of things outdoors so I am very active but I also love to consume art as well be that through reading, watching, or listening.
How's your life?
Peaceful, content, and exciting. It surprises me daily that my life is this way because there was a point 2-3 years ago where I wouldn't have imagined life would ever be good to me. I'm extremely grateful for where I am today. I have a couple close friends with whom I do a lot of activities but I mostly do things by myself (I enjoy them very much) — things like picking a neighborhood and zigzagging through it to explore. I haven't made many new friends since moving to the city because I just end up doing things by myself but I want to break that and try to go out of my comfort zone, hoping this happens through AroundTheCorner because meeting new people, and making new friendships is a life experience I struggle to earn.
What helps you keep your sanity?
3 o'clock tea time. It is a sacred time, a non-negotiable that I look forward to daily. Making tea, while singing along to my tea time playlist with the sun shining through my windows and the breeze playing with my curtains is a sight I will never get tired of. Along with this, I also have reading time, gaming time, and exploration time. Each meaningful and special to me its own way.
What is most important to you right now?
Not losing the wonder with which I saw the world as a kid. Do you remember how the grass, wind, sun, clouds and everything else, small and big, (even the gray of the walls) awed you as a kid? I think we get caught up in life and stop appreciating all that after a point. I live slow, to relearn the wonder and curiosity I inadvertently put aside. I love to travel (currently planning my first solo trip to Costa Rica!), taking photos, and looking with awe at everything this fabulous pale blue dot has to offer.
Anything you recently found interesting?
A travelogue called "Cyclettes". It's about all the cycles the author has owned and the impact each one of them had on them. My cycle, and cycling in general, is something I hold dear because it was how I was first able to express my freedom. I always heard "freedom", and "free" as a kid but never really expressed it or experienced it's meaning until I started cycling. This travelogue/memoir caught my eye immediately because I could relate to it in a lot of ways.
Hi! I love how you expanded on childlike wonder and perception. I feel as if it is all too easy to let ourselves get caught up in the mundane routine of life when transitioning into adulthood- I strive to maintain my curiosity for life and appreciate the beauty that exists in the little things. I found the concept of your Costa Rica trip interesting! Solo traveling is definitely something I would like to try but I am hesitant to do so because traveling alone is a scary concept to me. Sent a coffee req :)
Reply to spidergrl
3pm tea time (and making time for other enjoyable things) is a great idea! Any favorite songs from your playlist?
Reply to kittygarden03


He / Him

Menlo Park, CA

Where are you at in your life stage?
I’m a man in my early 30s. My girlfriend and I live in the South Bay, and I work up in San Francisco for work/living (and am eager to meet/connect with people in either!).
I had a pretty active social life prior to COVID, and kept up with my closest friends during the pandemic, but I really lost some momentum on the broader social side of things. I’d like to change this! Some things I really like: deep conversations and talking about big ideas, completely meaningless conversations, goofing around/being at play, learning and trying new things, being outdoors, board games, seeing shows/movies/performances.
How's your life?
It’s alright! I have a lot to be thankful for, although I’ve been known to feel a bit lost and/or lonely some days. I’m not currently finding a lot of fulfillment in my career at a big tech company, although I’m really engaged in my hobbies at the moment (creative writing, improv), and I’m trying to figure out how to make it all work.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Hobbies—I’m really interested in storytelling, and it’s something I want to get better at and have been thinking a lot. I love a great story (in movies, books, plays, whatever) and am trying to learn how to create some myself. I try to consume a lot of stories (I read a lot and try to watch at least a movie/week), and as far as creation goes I’m starting with short stories and a bit of improv for now, but who knows where this will go.
Exercise also goes a really long way for me—I’ve been a casual runner for a long time (I love trail running!), and recently started doing some barbell training. I’m an amateur at both and plan on keeping it that way, but they do wonders for my stress/mental health.
What is most important to you right now?
Finding more purpose/direction in my life, and making/deepening friendships.
Anything you recently found interesting?
1. Birkenstock Sandals apparently used to sell a skincare line (!!!), but discontinued it
2. Jack Handey will write you funny/nice notes if you buy books from his website (or at least, he did for me)
Sent a coffee request!
Reply to Hygge
I'm really interested in story telling as well! I'd love to hear about your experiences and process, since I don't know anyone else who is interested in story telling🥲 Sent a request!
Reply to Kood


She / Her

San Francisco, CA

sunkissedsummers's photo

The coast is one of my favorite places to venture out to (ironically also my greatest fear)

Where are you at in your life stage?
Just moved to the city late last year! Trying to figure out what exactly I want to do with life and figuring out who I am/growing comfortable with myself. Trying to keep my enthusiastic and positive energy steady with all interactions I have with others. I just want to make genuine connections and learn from others. Self discovery and growth is at a high for me now!
How's your life?
Life is okay. I have a good job and a decent support system but something feels missing, and I'm not entirely sure what it is. I've been learning a lot about my past and how it affected me while actively trying to practice positive changes.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Going out on walks/drives/being in nature. Eating good food!! Any kind interaction with a stranger. Those little memorable exchanges make a huge difference. Also dogs and cats haha.
What is most important to you right now?
Just being more comfortable being vulnerable! It's something I've always struggled with in the past and i feel like I closed off parts of myself that I actually like. I want to grow out of my shell again and I think just having meaningful conversations with others and allowing myself to meet new people/try new things would help!
Anything you recently found interesting?
I heard that if you see a banana slug for the first time that you're supposed to kiss it (Santa Cruz local tradition haha).
How are you liking the city?
Reply to Neko


She / Her

San Jose, CA

SnuggleRX82's photo
Where are you at in your life stage?
Not where I wanna be. Not where I ever imagined, both in good and not-so-good ways. I’ve just hit midlife (yikes!) and still not married (no partner either) and no kids. I’ve never desired having kids but have always wanted to be married. Unfortunately fate/karma had/has other plans for me, it seems. So here I am! Seeking a new chapter of MEANINGFUL friendships!
How's your life?
All in all, I’m lucky in a lot of ways. It’s easy to complain about things not going my way, esp seeing everyone around me having what I want. But I have a roof over my head, can afford the necessities (food, clothes), and some luxuries. I have a job that allows me to afford my life, to which, I am grateful, even though there are parts of the job that aren’t ideal. I have more text friends than actual friends I meet up with regularly. I hope to start a new chapter here, making new connections in an unexpected way!
What helps you keep your sanity?
A good hearty catch up with friends over either a home cooked meal or a nice restaurant, followed by a glass of wine.
What is most important to you right now?
Most imp to me is finding something, anything that keeps me living. Not in the physical sense but emotionally/internally. I want to find that zest for life through friendships. I may never find a partner but friendships are a necessity. I want to find people who enjoy different activities; things that I like and things I’ve never tried and want to. I do love learning as well so all the better if I can learn from newfound friendships and equally share my knowledge as well!
Anything you recently found interesting?
I wouldn’t say this is interesting but I recently have been into library book sales and am trying to read more. Granted, I still can only read fiction, as I use them to mentally escape reality, I’ve grabbed the occasional non-fiction!
Hi! I would love to meet you!
Reply to plumeriapassion
Hi there, I like your photo and the color scheme. ☺️ Would be interested to meet for coffee sometime!
Reply to MochisMom


She / Her

Redwood City, CA

Where are you at in your life stage?
I am a 48 year old mother of a 10 year old amazing boy. His father and I are divorced but I feel blessed we have a very healthy co-parenting relationship, always putting our son first. We even sometimes celebrate the holidays together!
How's your life?
I have a successful career in Biotech and appreciate what I do as I have many opportunities to learn and grow. But I work remotely from home and it gets lonely. Some friends have moved out of state and others are just too busy with the usual things in life to get together.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Nature and being outside, yoga, eating healthy, reading (I'm in a book club) . I love walking outside through different neighborhoods and appreciating the styles of homes/landscapes especially now that everything is in full bloom! I love trying different ethnic restaurants from Thai, Ethiopian, Vietnamese, etc.
What is most important to you right now?
I miss having friends to connect with. I would love to connect with others who live in the Menlo Park/Redwood City/Palo Alto/San Mateo area.
Anything you recently found interesting?
Prior to age 6 children are truly unable to understand the world from another person's point of view. A preschooler can be emotionally sympathetic but he cannot really stand in another's shoes. The ability to do this will not be fully present until around age 16.


He / Him

Mountain View, CA

Rook's photo

My favorite photo I took in Antarctica. The trip changed a lot in my life for the better.

Where are you at in your life stage?
My wife and I are in our early 30s and trying to settle into the bay after moving here in 2022. I've been in my career doing commodities consulting for over a decade and am trying to grow more outside of my career. Kids are in the plans for the next few years, but currently child-free.
How's your life?
In many ways it's great, but since moving to the bay establishing a social circle has been challenging. Working from home only compounds that.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Traveling and getting away from work. My wife and I try to make many small trips throughout the year with some bigger ones. Enjoy as much of our youth until kids make travel harder. I became adept at getting cheap/free travel when I traveled regularly for work, so playing that game and planning the next vacation is my favorite daydream.
What is most important to you right now?
Right now getting my wife and I to feel more at home in the Bay Area is my biggest priority. We've been here for more than 18 months but haven't found many close friendships.
Anything you recently found interesting?
It's an hour faster to fly SFO-London than it is SFO-Tokyo. The scale of the Pacific is just insane and makes the success of the Polynesian explorers seem impossible.
That sounds fantastic! It's great that you and your wife make time for both small and big trips throughout the year. We plan to stay locally in California this year and explore more the state parks. Do you have any exciting trips lined up soon?
Reply to JuicySundriedtomato1