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around the corner where two strangers meet over coffee


She / Her

Los Angeles, CA

lowlyworm's photo

I went to a 35mm showing of Billy Wilder’s Double Indemnity <333

Where are you at in your life stage?
I’m a 20 y/o undergraduate student studying psychology in Los Angeles! I’m a SoCal native but I haven’t explored as much of LA as I’d like to—I’d like to change that and make a friend or two in the process!
How's your life?
Just trying to balance school, internships, and finding time to meet people from all walks of life :)
What helps you keep your sanity?
Creating (I illustrate/design sometimes!), reading (memoirs, fantasy, mystery), and watching every movie under the sun at any local LA theaters (favorites: Princess Mononoke, Tampopo, Ocean’s Eleven).
I also loveee walking and traveling around LA when I have the time and resources to do so (I tend go alone via my college transit pass lol).
What is most important to you right now?
Being secure in who I am! Whether that be through career development, helping my community, or making closer connections with my friends (and potential friends!)—I just want to put myself out there more often, especially as an infp :,)
Anything you recently found interesting?
Not sure what to say here…but you should stream this song (it’s one of my favorites! the character as well 🐈‍⬛):
@grateful1 I plan to do communications for creative industries, with a focus on working directly with communities that need it most :) so I’m looking into working with nonprofits and public arts sectors!
Reply to lowlyworm
Traversing LA by metro is so fun and rewarding There is always something new to discover, What are you reading?
Reply to fuzz
The 1st Silent Reading Evening in San Francisco
Sat, Feb 08 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Hotel Emblem San Francisco
Join us for a Silent Reading Evening at Hotel Emblem San Francisco this Saturday, February 8th. Disconnect from digital noise and rediscover the joy of reading in companionable silence. 

Bring your current read—from worn paperbacks to new novels—and enjoy peaceful reading time, with brief intermissions for refreshments at Obscenity Bar & Lounge. 

Seats are limited, RSVP required.
View details
What do you like most about yourself?
Asked by


My pursuit of trying to understand myself and the world better, even if that entails challenging long held beliefs and societal norms. The motivation stems from showing up for my family as the best version of me.
Seal Beach
My ability to use my curiosity in so many ways. Might be a Reddit rabbit hole one minute, learning cool sciency stuff the next, or asking questions and making meaningful connections the next.
I like my authenticity. What you see is what you get!


She / Her

San Francisco, CA

SarchimorWatery1's photo
Where are you at in your life stage?
I just turned 30 recently and moved to this city from a far away, northern land. I feel deeply entrenched in my work life but desperate to experience what this city's soul is really like. I'm a little confused and conflicted, determined but directionless, and cold-footed yet brave. In a mid-season and sitcom-y fashion I'm redefining myself a little. Trying a bit of everything right now.
How's your life?
Unnecessarily filled with busywork and endless comparisons. It lacks a bit of grounding but generally by all conventional metrics it's pretty good. I'm technically in a good place but there's a lopsided balance skewing towards work right now. I travel a lot and meet great people, I get to try a lot of new things that are fun and weird, and I have time in the mornings to make french omelettes. I plan silly things with equally silly people and it keeps me happy.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Finding the time to laugh, keeping up with old friends, and diving into new, random hobbies. For example I had a niche perfumery phase just recently and am on the cusp of entering my 'building model kits' phase. I also take long walks and go to smaller venue rave shows where I can headbang and lose myself in the music a little. During bad weeks I'll be tied to the couch binge watching TV and eating salty foods. I need places to be anonymous sometimes so I can fade into the background comfortably.
What is most important to you right now?
Defining things. I don't like that it's what's most important to me right now, but it's just what I keep coming back to. I recently also had a revived appreciation for my family and relationships so I've been thinking more long term in terms of how I want my life to look. Otherwise, I think unapologetic authenticity is what I'm trying to strive towards. I would very much like that.
Anything you recently found interesting?
The National Havoc Robot League (NHRL) hosts an annual world championship in Norwalk, CT and tickets are actually pretty reasonably priced.
As a fellow silly person you seem awesome! I’d love to get coffee
Reply to AlyMD


He / Him

San Francisco, CA

Kerbal's photo

Recently started exploring photography and sketching thoes photos as a form of mindfulness/focus

Where are you at in your life stage?
Early/soon-to-be-mid 20s, and moved to the city a little under a year ago after graduation. A good number of my close friends stayed in the area as well, great for an initial base of social life but also causing me to find myself not exploring socially as much as I could. I've been trying to figure out how to define life for myself post-graduation - the routines that keep me sane, and how to break those up to keep things interesting.
How's your life?
Pretty good. I enjoy my work and am pretty satisfied with my social life even as I learn to explore more socially and find my footing in the city.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Lifting, drawing, reading, cooking when I have the time, and existing around others
What is most important to you right now?
Developing and defining my social life further
Anything you recently found interesting?
I started sketching somewhat consistently a few weeks back, without any real knowledge/practice previously. Didn't realize that I'd end up with a fairly consistent style after just a few days of doing it, despite it not being something i know how to describe still


He / Him

Oxnard, CA

Chillybee's photo

This is a typical afternoon in our world.

Where are you at in your life stage?
I am married to my lovely wife. We have 3 kids, a 4 year old and 2 year old twins. Both of us work too much for too little money but we are settling into being a family and just trying to find friends to join in our journey through life.
How's your life?
It's mostly great. I like my job and am working to getting further in my career. My kids drive me crazy but I wouldn't change it for the world. My spouse is super supportive of my. We are working together to make healthier life choices for our bodies and our wallets.
What helps you keep your sanity?
I have started 3d resin printing and painting the models and it's so peaceful. I also listen to audio books (typically different nonfiction / fantasy genres). And I really enjoy doing yard work, growing something fun, and keeping it clean and tidy for our kids to play in
What is most important to you right now?
My family. While I love my quiet time I love spending all the time I can with my kids and wife. We work too much to not spend time together whenever we can. And I work as much as I dare to make sure they get what they need!
Anything you recently found interesting?
I just started 3d printing and even newer to painting. I never thought I would have any artistic ability but I am not half bad at the painting!


He / Him

San Francisco, CA

MinorMapillai's photo

Sea Cliff Av makes my jaw drop

Where are you at in your life stage?
I'm at my quarter-life-, what-do-i-want-for-a-midlife crisis stage. I'm in my mid-twenties, moved to San Francisco a little bit more than a year ago (have loved every minute of it). I'm also early in my career doing something I am passionate about but work, for me, has been a way to do the things that make me earn life experiences; I predominantly get this by doing a lot of things outdoors so I am very active but I also love to consume art as well be that through reading, watching, or listening.
How's your life?
Peaceful, content, and exciting. It surprises me daily that my life is this way because there was a point 2-3 years ago where I wouldn't have imagined life would ever be good to me. I'm extremely grateful for where I am today. I have a couple close friends with whom I do a lot of activities but I mostly do things by myself (I enjoy them very much) — things like picking a neighborhood and zigzagging through it to explore. I haven't made many new friends since moving to the city because I just end up doing things by myself but I want to break that and try to go out of my comfort zone, hoping this happens through AroundTheCorner because meeting new people, and making new friendships is a life experience I struggle to earn.
What helps you keep your sanity?
3 o'clock tea time. It is a sacred time, a non-negotiable that I look forward to daily. Making tea, while singing along to my tea time playlist with the sun shining through my windows and the breeze playing with my curtains is a sight I will never get tired of. Along with this, I also have reading time, gaming time, and exploration time. Each meaningful and special to me its own way.
What is most important to you right now?
Not losing the wonder with which I saw the world as a kid. Do you remember how the grass, wind, sun, clouds and everything else, small and big, (even the gray of the walls) awed you as a kid? I think we get caught up in life and stop appreciating all that after a point. I live slow, to relearn the wonder and curiosity I inadvertently put aside. I love to travel (currently planning my first solo trip to Costa Rica!), taking photos, and looking with awe at everything this fabulous pale blue dot has to offer.
Anything you recently found interesting?
A travelogue called "Cyclettes". It's about all the cycles the author has owned and the impact each one of them had on them. My cycle, and cycling in general, is something I hold dear because it was how I was first able to express my freedom. I always heard "freedom", and "free" as a kid but never really expressed it or experienced it's meaning until I started cycling. This travelogue/memoir caught my eye immediately because I could relate to it in a lot of ways.
Hi! I love how you expanded on childlike wonder and perception. I feel as if it is all too easy to let ourselves get caught up in the mundane routine of life when transitioning into adulthood- I strive to maintain my curiosity for life and appreciate the beauty that exists in the little things. I found the concept of your Costa Rica trip interesting! Solo traveling is definitely something I would like to try but I am hesitant to do so because traveling alone is a scary concept to me. Sent a coffee req :)
Reply to spidergrl
3pm tea time (and making time for other enjoyable things) is a great idea! Any favorite songs from your playlist?
Reply to kittygarden03


She / Her

Costa Mesa, CA

SunflowerSoul's photo

I keep a photo album of favorite trees I come across so I can imagine I’m sitting under them.

Where are you at in your life stage?
34f. I'm at a stage where I'm constantly growing and evolving. As a single mom of two and someone passionate about my job in public service, I'm focused on becoming the best version of myself. I'm learning to balance work, motherhood, and personal development while taking my health and well-being more seriously.
How's your life?
Life is busy, but I'm handling it. Between work, managing the household, and being a mom, it can get overwhelming, but I'm dedicated to staying productive and finding ways to improve. I'm eating well, getting enough sleep, and focusing on my health. I’m also trying to make time for creative outlets, even though it can be tough with my schedule.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Yoga, nature walks, and exercise help me stay grounded. I also love diving into graphic novels or dark fiction. Taking care of my health and making more time for art has been my priority recently.
What is most important to you right now?
Right now, my kids, my job, and my personal growth are at the forefront. I'm committed to improving my health, being more productive, and finding positive environments where I can thrive and possibly make friends. Expanding my horizons and learning new things are also really important to me.
Anything you recently found interesting?
I’ve recently been really interested in exploring my area more and finding fun, free resources for creative outlets. I’ve lived here all my life, but there’s still so much I haven’t experienced, and I’m excited to try new things and get back into artistic hobbies.
Wow you have a lot on your plate, keep up the amazing work you’re doing!
Reply to BalancedLemongrass1
Isn’t it amazing? It’s such a lost art form these days. Words have the power to convey so much and offer a glimpse into someone’s deepest soul
Reply to BalancedLemongrass1
What was a formative moment in your life?
Asked by


Laguna Niguel
I was a dual immersion kid, learning in English and Spanish from K - 11th. I grew up hating being in the program; I hated speaking Spanish and I wished so badly to be in "normal school." I didn't understand why my parents put me in Las Palmas. It wasn't until high school when I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to go on a class trip to Spain. I was on bus, leaving the airport, driving through Madrid, and it clicked: I can read the signs. I can understand what the tour guide is saying. I know a little about the history of this place. I was like "oooh, I get it now. This is why they did it. This is why mom and dad put me in that program." That's when my love of travel really started. That love of travel turned into a major change at Saddleback when Film didn't work out. If you like travel so much, why don't you work in hotels? That's the career path I've taken, hospitality, all because I took one trip, all because I was a dual immersion kid.
Breaking my arm goofing around as a kid. After that, I shifted away from a lot of my physical hobbies realizing my fragile state and limitations. One of my favorite things to do was to shoot baskets. While I learned to shoot okay 1 handed with my left hand, my right arm could never follow through the same again. I happened to fall into computer animation, and then programming. Funny how an accident and misjudgment caused such a realignment for me.
Divorce. The biggest blessing and curse - forced me to reevaluate everything and rebuild a different life for myself.
Seal Beach
@HopefulOptimist There’s a line from the song Black Sun by Death Cab… “there is beauty in a failure.” That line to me describes divorce when you come out of the dark side. Oddly enough the song is on the album Kintsugi which I also ties in perfect to that line.
@Curiouso I will check it out! I agree… sometimes the toughest is where new starts come for the better..


She / Her

San Jose, CA

Where are you at in your life stage?
I’m in my early fifties, work from home as a writer (fiction and nonfiction), and run a small publishing business and podcast with my partner. We moved to the Bay Area during the pandemic for work and meeting people hasn’t been the easiest thing but I love the weather and natural beauty here.
How's your life?
Overall, better than I could have ever imagined. Far from perfect but generally fulfilling and meaningful. I miss having lots of close friends nearby to do things on a whim. Most of our friends are back where we moved from or scattered across the world.
What helps you keep your sanity?
Writing. I mean writers write. But also having big goals and dreams still. Things to look forward to. And our cats. Working from home would be lonely business without my boss walking across the keyboard every few minutes.
What is most important to you right now?
Connecting. Making sense of things. Not getting in a rut or bubble that echoes back the same thoughts and ideas at me. Learning something every day.
Anything you recently found interesting?
So many things. I’m interested in foraging but nervous to try it beyond my back yard. I really want to learn to do small water color sketches of plants.
I'm not a writer but I'm married to one! I wonder if you'd vibe with her writing group. How many cats do you have?
Reply to HoldMyEspresso
I love writing. Being able to articulate is a true gift for all. I'm curious about writers' bookshelves and their reading lists!
Reply to CH